Everything about the means and methods of treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a common and dangerous disease that occurs during an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Most often the disease develops as a result of impaired blood circulation or infection. According to medical statistics, prostatitis has been increasingly diagnosed in working-age men in recent years. The disease is accompanied by painful sensations during deurination and ejaculation. Manifestations of the disease negatively affect a man's quality of life. Prostatitis is dangerous for its consequences. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease acquires a chronic course that is difficult to treat. Prostatitis needs complex treatment. Consider effective treatment for prostatitis.

Basic therapeutic methods

The doctor prescribes methods for treating prostatitis

If unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear, the man should immediately consult a doctor for timely diagnosis of the disease. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment.

In this case, the doctor takes into account the following factors:

  • the degree and form of the disease;
  • the presence of complications;
  • the duration of the disease;
  • individual characteristics.

It should be remembered that only complex treatment will help to overcome prostatitis. That is why it is important to strictly adhere to all prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor.

The goal of prostatitis therapy is to relieve inflammation in the prostate gland.
All therapeutic methods used to combat the disease are divided into conservative and operative.

Conservative methods include:

  • drug therapy;
  • intake of vitamin complexes and means to normalize the immune system;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • massage;
  • Spa treatment;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • traditional methods of treatment.

Surgical methods are prescribed in advanced situations when the gland has formed scars and is unable to perform its daily functions. During the operation, as a rule, the affected tissue is removed.

Drug therapy

The method of treating prostatitis consists of taking antibiotics, alpha-blockers, painkillers and other drugs. Consider further effective modern remedies for prostatitis.

Antibiotic therapy

Prostatitis is often bacterial in nature. That is why the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs for treatment. This group of drugs provides effective treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of antibacterial drugs that help fight the disease.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes the following groups of antibiotics for treatment:

  1. Fluoroquinolones.
  2. Aminoglycosides.
  3. Tetracyclines.
  4. Cephalosporins.
  5. Penicillins.
  6. Macrolides.

Intravenous antibiotics (third-generation cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones) are usually prescribed to treat acute prostatitis. When the fever subsides, continued treatment is continued with oral antibacterial agents. The duration of intake is an average of 6 weeks.

Fluoroquinolones are often used for chronic prostatitis. These drugs easily penetrate the prostate and are effective against most gram-negative bacteria, chlamydia, ureaplasma. Tetracyclines are effective when chlamydial infection is suspected.

For the treatment of abscesses and chronic prostatitis caused by infection with Proteus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, sulfate drugs are prescribed.

Tablets and macrolide injections are prescribed to cure deep-seated viruses. If prostatitis has occurred as a result of the penetration of several pathogens or tests have not helped to determine the type of pathogen, drugs from the aminoglycoside group are prescribed. However, due to the large list of side effects, these drugs are not prescribed often.

With prolonged use of antibiotics you should support the body with ascorbic and folic acid, as well as B vitamins.

It is important to remember that the entire course of antibiotic therapy must be completed in order to obtain effective results and prevent recurrence.

Before prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor determines the root cause of the disease. Antibacterial drugs are effective only against bacterial prostatitis. If the disease is due to impaired blood circulation, then antibiotic therapy can harm the patient.

Alpha blockers

These drugs are prescribed to relieve tension in the muscles of the bladder and urinary tract in chronic prostatitis.

Treatment with these drugs reduces swelling and relieves pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These drugs are prescribed effectively to treat an acute form of the disease. They relieve pain and inflammation, provoke a reduction in swelling and improve secretion.

The drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, powders or rectal suppositories.


The drugs improve the functioning of the prostate capillaries, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the affected organs, eliminating stagnant processes.

5-alpha reductase inhibitors

One of the effective representatives of this group of drugs is a drug that reduces the volume of the prostate, relieves tissue swelling, reduces pain and restores the flow of urine.

Immunomodulatory drugs

To normalize immunity, the doctor usually prescribes immunomodulatory drugs.

Medicines to treat secondary immunodeficiencies may also be prescribed.

Hormone therapy

In some situations, the inflammatory process is accompanied by erectile dysfunction. To restore the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, as well as to restore an erection, the doctor prescribes hormone therapy.

The use of suppositories

Rectal suppositories are effective in treating acute and chronic prostatitis.

List of common remedies:

  1. Ichthyol candles. They have a disinfectant effect, normalize blood circulation, relieve pain.
  2. Suppositories with prostate extract. They relieve inflammation and swelling, relieve congestion and prevent blood clots.
  3. Candles with belladonna. Relieve pain and inflammation.
  4. Suppositories for cell tissue regeneration. The use of such suppositories quickly restores the work of the prostate gland.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy treatments have also proven to be good. Physiotherapy consists of various techniques that have recently been used successfully to combat the disease. The doctor chooses the type of procedure individually. The course of treatment has a positive effect not only on the prostate gland, but also on the whole body.

Physiotherapy procedures for prostatitis can achieve the following results:

  • improving microcirculation in prostate tissues;
  • increase the accumulation of drugs in the gland;
  • reduction of painful sensations;
  • improving the quality of urination;
  • eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • enhancing potency.
Magnetic therapy for prostatitis

There are several methods of physiotherapy:

  1. Electrophoresis. The affected area is exposed to direct current with drugs.
  2. Ultrasound. It is considered one of the most effective therapeutic methods. The gland is affected by ultrasound waves. The procedure is completely painless.
  3. Magnetic therapy.
  4. Magnetic laser induction therapy. The prostate is treated in a complex way with a magnet and a laser. The procedure improves blood circulation, accelerates the healing process of the affected tissues and relieves pain.
  5. Laser therapy.
  6. Microwave microwave therapy.
  7. Ozone therapy.
  8. Vacuum therapy.
  9. Cryodestruction. The affected tissue is removed with liquid nitrogen.

And also used to treat prostatitis:

  • balloon dilatation. The urinary tract is dilated mechanically by means of a catheter with an inflatable balloon at the end;
  • stenting. The procedure continues with enlargement of the urethra. In this situation, however, a stent is placed. The latter is presented in the form of a cylindrical frame and made of polymeric material.

Physiotherapy methods are usually prescribed in conjunction with drug therapy to improve treatment outcomes. Such procedures are well tolerated and have no side effects. Side effects may occur with individual intolerance.

Magnetic therapy

A magnetic field is applied to the prostate through the skin. At the same time, the nutrition of the prostate cells is improved, its protective properties are activated and the removal of toxins from the glandular tissues is accelerated. Magnetic therapy activates blood circulation and improves the absorption of drugs.

Microwave microwave therapy for prostatitis

Microwave microwave therapy

The affected prostate is directly exposed to microwave electric waves. As a result, the temperature rises in the heated area, blood vessels dilate and blood flow accelerates.

In addition, as a result of the increase in temperature, a decrease in smooth muscle spasms is observed. As a result, the man has improved the drainage of prostate secretion and pain relief.

Laser therapy

During the procedure, the prostate tissue is irradiated with a low-intensity laser beam. This method thins the blood, accelerates the flow of secretions and prevents the formation of microthrombi.

And also laser treatment increases the body's protective functions and promotes tissue regeneration. Laser therapy is prescribed to treat chronic prostatitis.

Vacuum therapy

A special medical device is installed on the penis, under the influence of which blood flows into the penis and an erection occurs. It is recommended to combine vacuum therapy with laser therapy. During an erection, a laser beam is aimed at the penis. The latter helps to increase blood flow.

Ozone therapy

For treatment, a special ozone-enriched fluid is injected through the urethra. Saline is usually used for the procedure. Ozone therapy restores normal prostate function, has a bactericidal effect, promotes the recovery of damaged cells and is considered one of the modern methods of treating prostatitis.

For the procedure to be effective, it must be performed every day. The duration of the therapeutic course depends on the stage of development of the disease and is 6-10 manipulations.

Home treatment

Physiotherapy procedures are usually performed in a hospital. However, there are devices that allow you to conduct treatment at home. One of these devices is a device, among the advantages of which should be noted the durability and ease of use. With the help of the device the tissue of the gland is exposed to a magnetic field, heat and massage are performed.

The procedure takes approximately 10-12 minutes and is completely painless. For treatment, the tip of the device, pre-dressed in a condom, is inserted into the rectum. After the procedure, the tip is wiped with alcohol. The duration of therapy is 15 sessions.

The use of the device is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • in the acute stage of the disease;
  • with intestinal bleeding;
  • in the presence of prostate stones;
  • in the presence of cracks in the rectum and exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • men with genitourinary tuberculosis;
  • with malignant neoplasms;
  • with diarrhea;
  • in a feverish state.

Before starting physical therapy, the man should be examined to determine the level of PSA in the blood and undergo a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate. Such a diagnosis will allow to exclude oncology. If necessary, your doctor may order an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Physiotherapy methods are not prescribed for the treatment of calculous prostatitis in the presence of calcifications.


The procedure eliminates stagnant processes in the prostate, helps to eliminate toxins formed as a result of inflammatory processes.

Contraindications to massage:

  • acute phase of the disease;
  • adenoma;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • prostatolithiasis - the presence of stones in the prostate;
  • tuberculosis.
Prostate massage

The massage is performed by a doctor. The patient assumes a knee-elbow position to maximize the relaxation of the pelvic muscles. The doctor inserts a finger through the anus and massages the prostate. The course usually consists of 10 massages.

This procedure promotes the secretion of the gland, activates blood circulation, increases resistance to infection and accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues.

Recently, prostate massage is rarely prescribed as medicine advances and new, more effective treatments are developed.


Quite often prostatitis is formed due to improper blood supply to the muscles of the gland.

Deep squats are considered effective in normalizing blood microcirculation. You should squat with your arms raised. You should perform this exercise at least 100 times, 3 sets per week.

The following exercises are also effective:

  1. Scissors while sitting. Perform the exercise 20 times with each leg.
  2. Raise your legs straight while lying on your stomach. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Lie on your back and place your knees bent at the knees in such a way that your knees are on your face. Wrap your arms around your legs and lie there for up to 20 minutes.
  4. In the morning, massage the perineum for about 5 minutes.

The above exercises, along with squats, will help you cure the disease for free.

Sanitary treatment

Hirudotherapy for prostatitis

Patients are referred to the sanatorium when prolonged remission occurs. There are sanatoriums around the world that treat prostatitis, improve erectile dysfunction and improve health.

As a rule, the following procedures are prescribed for treatment:

  • drinking mineral water;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • various physiotherapeutic methods;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • balneotherapy.

Clean air, calm atmosphere and warm climate have a positive effect on the condition of the prostate gland.


The main indications for surgery:

  • prostate sclerosis;
  • sclerosis of the bladder neck;
  • glandular stones;
  • sclerosis of the seminal tubercle.

The main surgical methods used to combat prostatitis are shown in the table.

Method name Short description
Transurethral resection The operation is performed with a resectoscope, therefore in this procedure the risk of complications is minimal. During the operation, to relieve the pressure on the urethra, the surgeon removes part of the gland tissue or the entire prostate. It allows you to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease - pain and nocturia.
Adenectomy (prostatectomy) Open abdominal surgery, during which the prostate gland is removed with surgical instruments. It is characterized by a longer period of rehabilitation.

The operations are performed under general anesthesia.

Traditional methods

The use of folk methods of treating the disease can improve metabolic processes in the prostate gland.

Medicinal decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from various medicinal plants. And also medicinal plants can be added to the baths.

The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  1. Decoction of licorice roots. To prepare 20 g of raw materials, mix with 200 ml of boiling water. Boil the mixture for about 20 minutes. Consume 1 tbsp. 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days. Effective in exacerbations of the disease.
  2. Red root infusion. Prepare the infusion in a thermos. To prepare 25 g of raw materials are poured with 1 liter of water. The mixture is infused for one hour. Drink 100 ml of hot drink instead of tea. Take the product before meals. The number of meetings per day is 3 times.
  3. Decoction of the roots of marshmallows. It should be diluted with 2 tablespoons of chopped roots with a glass of boiling water. Boil for half an hour. Drink 50 ml of the drug, the number of doses per day - 3 times. The duration of treatment is 15 days.
  4. Honey. Contraindicated in people with diabetes and allergy to honey. You will need about 10 kg of natural flower or linden honey. It is recommended to add to tea 100-200 g of honey every day instead of sugar. After a while the deurination will normalize, the pain will disappear. After recovery, honey is recommended for prevention.
  5. Honey with celandine. 100 g of dried herbs are mixed with 0. 7 ml of boiling water. Cook the mixture for about 15 minutes. Then allow the broth to cool slightly and strain. Add 500 ml of honey to the drink. Store the product in a glass container in the refrigerator. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Take the medicine before meals. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages and take medicines during the treatment with celandine with honey. In the complex you should consume 200 ml of oatmeal 3 times a day.
  6. Pumpkin seeds. They contain zinc, which is very necessary for every man. It is recommended to eat 30 seeds a day before meals. And also the raw seeds are crushed in a meat grinder and mixed with 0, 2 liters of honey. Mix the mixture well and form small balls. The latter are stored in the refrigerator. Consume 1 ball 1-2 times a day, half an hour before meals. The ball should be chewed for a few minutes and not swallowed whole.
  7. Hazelnut infusion. Bark or leaves will do the trick. 1 tbsp. boil raw materials in 0, 2 liters of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and let it simmer for 30 minutes. Then strain the drink and drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

The above methods will help to achieve long-term remission or complete recovery from the disease. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations and dosage.

What other methods are used to treat prostatitis?

The following additional non-traditional methods are also used effectively to treat prostatitis:

  1. Stem cell injection. The latter, penetrating into the affected area of the gland, intensively divide and replace the damaged cells. This method is prescribed for chronic prostatitis.
  2. Acupuncture. The therapy is carried out by activating special points. As a result, blood circulation improves.
  3. Hirudotherapy. The method uses leeches. With the help of hirudotherapy the swelling of the gland is removed, the blood circulation is improved.
  4. Chinese plaster. It activates blood circulation, relieves inflammation, increases libido, restores erections and prevents prostate enlargement.
  5. Japanese medicines. They alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and prevent possible complications.

Apart from the positive feedback on the forums, they are also leaving phytotherapy and homeopathy.

The most common herbal preparations are:

  • preparations based on the extract of the American palm Sabal. The funds are characterized by anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • preparations with African plum extract. The drugs inhibit sclerotic and scarring changes in the gland.

Prostatitis is considered a dangerous disease. Lack of timely therapy can lead to irreversible consequences. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will choose an individually effective treatment regimen that is appropriate for the price. Complex therapy will allow you to quickly overcome the disease.